A great big headline to catch some attention, because everyone likes attention

So you understand the roaring wave of fear that swept through the greatest city in the world just as Monday was dawning--the stream of flight rising swiftly to a torrent, lashing in a foaming tumult round the railway stations, banked up into a horrible struggle about the shipping in the Thames, and hurrying by every available channel northward and eastward. By ten o'clock the police organisation, and by midday even the railway organisations, were losing coherency, losing shape and efficiency, guttering, softening, running at last in that swift liquefaction of the social body.

Reflections on blogging and its application to learning

My genesis as a blogger and my concomitant immersion in youth popular culture and texts has involved a rapid onslaught of information processing, inquiry-based learning, critical thinking and reflection for me. Registering for online platforms and social media curation sites, upskilling in presentation apps like Prezi, and overcoming a sense of paralysis by analysis when building my online presence have…

Adolescence, Identity and Algorithms: Filters are limiting the diversity of online engagement

Adolescents enjoy popular forms of digital media: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, You Tube clips and Google Apps as stages for self-expression, entertainment and communication.  Social media usage is pervasive and young people’s online identities are precisely constructed representations which they reconfigure and adjust to gain status with peers. Prolific use of Facebook , Instagram and the extreme popularity of You…

growing digital citizens

A toolkit for the 21st century Teacher-Librarian TOOL #1. GLOBAL DIGITAL CITIZEN FOUNDATION: A WEB SITE TO BUILD AND SHARE UNITS OF PROJECT-BASED OR INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING My students must be able to participate responsibly and ethically in the digital world. I have finally discovered The Global Digital Citizen Foundation which is a not-for-profit organization committed to growing global citizens. It…

The essential teacher librarian

As a newbie to Teacher-Librarianship studies I was shocked to learn of the news article in The Age “Teacher librarians on borrowed time” (Preiss, 2014). I went on to read other news stories pertaining to the role of teacher-librarian and the revelation that some American educational institutions have made this vital role of teacher-librarian redundant (Kachel, 2015) was anathema to…

Navigating the digital natives’ landscape – musings of a Gen-X teacher

As an X-Gen teacher, navigating the world of youth popular culture takes commitment to stay current and connected to my students as they develop as digital natives! In this world of exponential technological potential I feel as though I am caught in a slipstream of scintillating pixels and mash-up sound-bytes! I want to remain steady, to keep my compass pointing…

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